Foto: PM Wanderbarer Silberberg
Schneeberg (Foto: PM Wanderbarer Silberberg)
Foto: Stadtverwaltung Lauter-Bernsbach
Foto: PM Wanderbarer Silberberg
Foto: C. Wagner
Foto: PM Wanderbarer Silberberg
Foto: PM Wanderbarer Silberberg
Foto: PM Wanderbarer Silberberg
Foto: Stadtverwaltung Lauter-Bernsbach
Foto: PM Wanderbarer Silberberg
Schwarzenberg OT Pöhla (Foto: PM Wanderbarer Silberberg)
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The circular hiking trail "Wanderbarer Silberberg" covers a distance of approx. 97 km and leads through the municipalities of all member municipalities of the Städtebund Silberberg in the Erzgebirge. The member municipalities include the towns of Aue-Bad Schlema, Lauter-Bernsbach, Lößnitz, Schneeberg and Schwarzenberg. The varied trail stretches through the respective historic town centers, past local sights, across fields, meadows and through forests.


Click here for the route and further information: Circular hiking trail "W@nderbarer Silberberg".


Numerous magnificent vantage points of the Erzgebirge let the hiker feel the vastness of the region. Well-known landmarks, such as the Fichtelberg and the Auersberg, embed themselves picturesquely in the mountain and valley landscape. Enjoy the view and take your time.


The interplay of dreamlike mountain meadows and lively city centers with their regional trade leaves nothing to be desired. Here you can enjoy breathtaking nature and regional specialties together. Immerse yourself in the history of mining and explore the objects of the UNESCO World Heritage Mining Region Ore Mountains/Krušnohoří, which are located along the way and go in search of traces of the industrial history of the region. A varied circular trail for all senses, which promises you an excellent break from everyday life.