Foto: Städtebund Silberberg / Carsten Wagner
Foto: PM Wanderbarer Silberberg
Foto: PM Wanderbarer Silberberg
Blick nach Bernsbach (Foto: PM Wanderbarer Silberberg)
Foto: PM Wanderbarer Silberberg
Foto: PM Wanderbarer Silberberg
Foto: PM Wanderbarer Silberberg
Foto: Stadtverwaltung Lauter-Bernsbach
Blick vom König-Albert-Turm aus dem Spiegelwald (Foto: PM Wanderbarer Silberberg)
Foto: PM Wanderbarer Silberberg
Schneeberg Siebenschlehener Pochwerk (Foto: Dirk Rückschloss)
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Aue-Bad Schlema

Since 2019, Aue, the city of bridges, has been setting sail together with Bad Schlema. In terms of landscape, the large district town of Aue-Bad Schlema is surrounded by wooded heights, lush green valleys and mountains at an altitude of 360 to 600 metres above sea level.


Hardly any other Erzgebirge town has as many bridges as Aue. Due to its location on various watercourses, there are more than 70 bridges in various designs and from different centuries.


Recharge your batteries and unwind - in idyllic Bad Schlema this happens all by itself. The spa town is known far beyond the Ore Mountains for its radon deposits.


The largest town in the Erzgebirge district is characterised by its convenient location with direct connections to the regional bus and rail network and many sights.



Picture: Aue green church


Aue grüne kirche

It is an ideal starting point for many tourist undertakings, hikes and excursions around the town and in the surrounding area. Here, too, you can experience world heritage at first hand. Go underground in our mines or immerse yourself in the history of uranium mining.


For more information, visit our websites: or


You are welcome to visit us in the town information office in Aue town hall or in the guest information office in Bad Schlema. We will be happy to help you.

Gästeinformation Bad Schlema

Richard-Friedrich-Str. 18

08301 Bad Schlema


Tel.: 03772 380 450

Stadtinformation Aue

Goethestraße 5

08280 Aue


Tel.: 03771 281-0


Mo, Mi, Fr:

10.00 - 16.00 Uhr

Di, Do:

10.00 - 18.00 Uhr

Sa, So, Feiertag:

11.00   - 15.00 Uhr

Mo, Mi, Do:

09.00 - 12.00 Uhr

13.00 - 17.00 Uhr


09.00 - 12.00 Uhr

13.00 - 18.00 Uhr


09.00 - 14.00 Uhr